Monday, September 12, 2011

Growing like Topsy

I started this quilt last weekend,based on a plan I had devised about two months earlier.

I started with the central section and it was only after I had completed the section on the right hand side that I realised that this was NOT a small quilt! What is interesting to me about this right hand section is that I think it could stand on its own as a quilt.

I have no idea where this quilt is going at the moment- except that its growing-and right now the quilting of this thing is becomming ever more daunting.

The piece underneath this quilt has been on hold for about 6 months. I have the general idea but got bogged down in other work and its proving difficult to get back to.
Normally my quilts are a lot smaller than this and this one might just be the one to make it to the World Quilt Competition next year.I am pretty sure it will be big enough.

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