Thursday, January 05, 2006


This could only happen in Africa! This market is outside Pretoria on the side of the road which leads to CAIRO, EGYPT! Seriously, this is the main road which leads to the border between South Africa and Zimbabwe.

The cloth behind the sign is not hand painted - they printed in one of our local mills and very often find their way to these markets where they are sold at exhorbitant prices to the tourists. Posted by Picasa


Felicity Grace said...

I'm so glad you are blogging Glenda! I've been curious to know about your environment especially after seeing (on-line)the SA quilt shows last year. Looking forward to reading more - looks great already!

Dijanne Cevaal said...

Lovely to finally see some of your work and environment Glenda! I have so enjoyed the innovative threads exhibitions of th elast few years and the catalogues.